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Watch Realitatea TV live streaming This is an online TV channel broadcast from Romania. You can watch online this channel on all platforms. Realitatea TV online. Romania TV channel.

Realitatea TV is a news and current affairs television network based in Bucharest. It operates several channels, Realitatea TV, Realitatea Plus, and other local channels (Cluj, Braşov, Sibiu, and more).

Realitatea TV meaning "The Reality TV" is a Romanian news television network. The station's programming lineup consists of newscasts, talk shows, debates and analysis, science and IT, TV magazines. Realitatea TV started broadcasting in 2001, as a general-profile TV station.

Realitatea TV (Romanian pronunciation: [re.aliˈtate̯a teˈve], meaning "The Reality TV") is the former name of the Romanian news television channel Realitatea Plus. The channel began broadcasting in 2001 as a general-profile television and became the first Romanian news television in 2002. Its owners are Romanian politician Cozmin Guşă and businessman Maricel Păcuraru.